Agape World
Agape World








Keiko Holmes is currently in Japan, giving testimonies. Some videos of Keiko’s talk can be seen here.

Prayer and Vigil at St Martin's in West Acton

202186日~9日まで  特別企画 平和を祈る

英聖公会セント·マーティンズ教会 in ウエスト·アクトン


Pray for PEACE 2021 poster Final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [353.4 KB]

Exhibition of photos and information the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, and a chance to reflect on the theme of ‘Peace’, and offer prayer by lighting a candle.

Colouring for children. Origami folding for everyone 塗り絵、折り紙コーナー

Free entry – Donation to ‘AGAPE World’ for their reconciliation work and St Martin’s Church 入場無料 寄付はアガぺワールドとSt Martin’s 教会

All welcome to any of the above special events and services.

For the documentary film ‘Paper Lanterns’ pre booking is required.

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