Prayer and Vigil at St Martin's in West Acton
2021年8月6日~9日まで 特別企画 平和を祈る
英聖公会セント·マーティンズ教会 in ウエスト·アクトン
➢ Exhibition of photos and information the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, and a chance to reflect on the theme of ‘Peace’, and offer prayer by lighting a candle.
➢ Colouring for children. Origami folding for everyone 塗り絵、折り紙コーナー
➢ Free entry – Donation to ‘AGAPE World’ for their reconciliation work and St Martin’s Church 入場無料 寄付はアガぺワールドとSt Martin’s 教会
➢ All welcome to any of the above special events and services.
➢ For the documentary film ‘Paper Lanterns’ pre booking is required.