Agape World
Agape World

How to Give

By sending a cheque

A cheque, made payable to Agape World, to the Chairman, at Skywood,

138 Tolmers Road, Cuffley, Herts

EN6 4JR. 

Tel: 01992 307 271

Online Banking, or Standing Order

Please contact our Treasurer at: 

for the bank details of

Agape World.

Tel: 078 402 19028

If you are a British tax payer, you may like to help us further by requesting a Gift Aid Declaration Form from the Treasurer. All gifts will be properly acknowledged and receipted. Thank you for your generosity and kindness.


Please download the Agape World Gift Aid Form below: multiple donation and single donation  

AW Charity Gift Aid Decl. multiple donat[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [112.0 KB]
AW Gift Aid Decl. single donation .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [111.9 KB]

Agape World is registered as a charity (No. EW23936) for tax purposes in line with Paragraph 1 of Schedule 6 of the Finance Act of 2010. To read our constitution, please click here.

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